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'Glory be to him

Who took His slave (Muhammad) on a journey by night,

From the Holy Mosque to the Furthest Mosque,

The precincts of which We have blessed,

That We might show him some of Our signs.

He is the All - Hearing, the All – Seeing.’

Secara kebetulan saya teringat semula kepada satu rentetan posting di papan buletin friendster tidak lama dahulu yang mempersoalkan keberkesanan boikot terhadap barang Anglo-Israel dan juga adakah ia membawa manfaat atau mudharat kepada komuniti muslim. Lama juga saya memikirkan hal ini. Jihad untuk membebaskan Palestin mesti dijalankan, tetapi pada masa yang sama kita perlu terus hidup. Lihat sajalah pada monitor anda, adakah ia hasil ciptaan cerdik pandai muslim? Atau CPU anda, negara Islam mana yang merekanya? Ramai orang makan gaji dengan syarikat-syarikat Amerika. Tidakkah perbuatan memulau barangan mereka ini hanya membawa kegawatan ekonomi kepada golongan ini?

Menurut pandangan kawan saya, kita harus akur bahawa aktiviti boikot ini sia-sia, ibarat menghentak-hentakkan kaki ke tanah : bising tapi tak berapa berkesan. Tetapi yang peliknya, dalam mesej yang sama jugalah saudaraku ini memhamburkan betapa bencinya dia terhadap yahudi dan suku-sakatnya. Saya sendiri agak keliru membaca mesej-mesej beliau. Di sini kita punya seorang belia yang peka dengan keadaan ummah dan sedar akan tanggungjawabnya, tetapi pada masa yang sama mengecam salah satu bentuk protes sebagai sia-sia, batil, useless. Aku nak jawab time tu tak boleh, pasal aku pun tak tahu. Tapi persoalan yang ditumbulkannya itu ada betulnya. Kenapa kita nak boikot? Apa yang nak diboikotkan? Apa yang jadi kalau kita boikot barang-barang mereka?

Seperti yang saya sebut tadi, saya bukan ahli dalam hal ini, tetapi saya pasti Sheikh Yusof Al-Qaradhawi lebih dari ahli untuk mengulas tentang perkara ini, beliau berkata :

“It is Jihad to liberate the Islamic lands from those who attack or conquer them. These are enemies of Islam. This Jihad is an absolute obligation and a sacred duty; firstly on the people of that land. If the Muslims of that land can’t offer sufficient resistance, then Muslims of neighboring countries are obliged to assist. If this is still not sufficient then all the Muslims of the world must assist.

Palestine is the land of the first qiblah of the Muslims, the land of Isra’ and Mi`raj, the land of Al-Aqsa and the blessed territory. The conquerors are those with the greatest enmity to the believers, and they are supported by the strongest state on earth - the USA, and by the world Jewish community.

Jihad is obligatory against those who take land and expel the inhabitants, spill the blood, violate the honor, destroy the houses, burn the fields, and corrupt the land. Jihad is the first obligation of all obligations, and the first duty of the Ummah. Muslims are commanded to do this, first those from the land in question, after that their neighbors, and finally all Muslims.

We must all be united against the aggressors. We are united in Islam, including unity of belief in the Shari`ah, unity of belief in the qiblah, and also united in pain and hope. As Allah Almighty says: “Verily this Ummah of yours is one Ummah.” (Qur’an, 21:92). Allah Almighty also says: “Surely the believers are a single brotherhood.” (Qur’an, 49:10). There is a Hadith of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) which states: “The Muslim is the brother to the Muslim, he can’t oppress him, he can’t give him up, he can’t let him down.” (Reported by Muslim)

Now, we see our brothers and children in Al-Aqsa and the blessed land of Palestine generously sacrificing their blood, giving their souls willingly in the way of Allah. All Muslims must help them with whatever power they have. (See the Noble Qur’an, 8:72).

If people ask in the name of religion we must help them. The vehicle of this support is a complete boycott of the enemies’ goods. Each riyal, dirham …etc. used to buy their goods eventually becomes bullets to be fired at the hearts of brothers and children in Palestine. For this reason, it is an obligation not to help them (the enemies of Islam) by buying their goods. To buy their goods is to support tyranny, oppression and aggression. Buying goods from them will strengthen them; our duty is to make them as weak as we can. Our obligation is to strengthen our resisting brothers in the Sacred Land as much as we can. If we cannot strengthen the brothers, we have a duty to make the enemy weak. If their weakness cannot be achieved except by boycott, we must boycott them."

Kalau anda terus membaca fatwa tersebut, anda akan dapati al-sheikh mengatakan "American goods, exactly like “Israeli” goods, are forbidden". Kalau ada yang tidak arif Bahasa Inggeris, forbidden itu maksudnya haram. Haram membeli, haram mengiklan. "Wah, kalau begitu bagaimana dengan telipon motorola saya?""Takkan aku nak berhenti kerja KFC?" "Mana nak cari ganti Centrino laptop aku?"
Akan hal ini, Dr. As-Sayed Nuh, ulama Azhar dan professor Hadith di Universiti Kuwait mengatakan :
“We should differentiate between what we call Daruriyyat or necessary needs, and Tahsiniyyat or luxuries.

If the products that Muslims tend to buy are from the second category (i.e. they are Tahsiniyyat), then it is better to forgo them irrespective of whether those products are American, European or even national products.

However, if some Muslims find themselves weak and have strong desires to buy goods belonging to Tahsiniyyat category, then they should not buy from those who support the Jews and Zionists who occupy Palestine and kill the innocents, demolish houses, plunder money, violate the honor of people and profane the sanctity of sacred places in an attempt to bring the progress of the Muslim Ummah to a virtual standstill. It is well known that America plays the greater role in supporting those Jews and Zionists. "

Saya rasa tak ada siapa yang akan mempertikaikan membeli barangan keperluan itu mubah. Tapi rokok tu barangan keperluan ke?

Point yang terakhir, ada kesan atau tidak boikot ni?
Sekali lagi ad-Doktor mengatakan :
"Finally, we should not underestimate the impact of economic boycott on the enemy. Some of us may think that the little goods boycotted may not affect the enemy’s strong economy.

Our basic principle is not to lend any form of support to those who help kill Muslims. It’s worthy mentioning here that Egypt, for example, has played a greater role in boycotting the products of the enemy to the extent that the institutions boycotted were forced to shut its branches in Egypt and left the country without return.”

Jika kita kaji kembali sejarah-sejarah perjuangan terdahulu, kita akan dapati boikot ini memang satu senjata yang hebat. Gandhi boikot, kolonial Amerika boikot, ANC (Afrika Selatan) boikot. Adakah perbuatan mereka ini sia-sia?


sedikit informasi tambahan :
1. Bagi mereka yang percaya bahawa al-Quran menjanjikan Israel buat kaum Yahudi, sila baca
2. Selamat menyambut kemerdekaan.


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